Have you ever heard that people with oily skin will produce more oil when it’s left not moisturized? I will mostly advise oily skinned (but not necessarily acne prone individuals, that’s a topic for another blog) people to cleanse and then moisturize before bed. This helps to regulate the over production of sebum.
Read MoreI’m going to tell you like it is, the real truth about treating acne scaring
Read MoreAcne is a real pain in the you know what. Just about everyone on this planet has experience a pimple and no matter what your age is, they can sneak up on you. I have seen a few of my clients over the age of 70 still have breakouts. In the spa we teach our clients the first line of defense against acne and that is to use a proper cleanser. We recommend our Alpha/Beta cleanser because it starts the exfoliation process on the surface of the skin, but also it starts cleaning out the pores where the p. acnes bacteria hides. Unfortunately, this is only the start in helping acne. We have an entire coaching program that helps you get your skin clear because it’s complicated.
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This is a wonderful time to step back, relax and do something for ourselves while we don’t have to be out and about. Hang in there ladies! We will get through this and the silver lining is that we get to be home more taking care of our health.
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